
Start The New Year Strong With The Latest Video Marketing Trends

Whether this is a new venture for you or you've been using video for ages, you need a road map outlining what it's for, where you're going, how you plan to get there, and what success looks like.


It doesn't need to be incredibly detailed, but you should have an outline of how you'll match your content with the vision and goals of your company. This plan could be the difference between achieving a return on investment (ROI) or throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.

What are your video marketing goals?

To help you build your map, try answering these seven questions from the Content Marketing Institute:

  1. Has your organization used video? Why or why not? Results?

  2. What's the purpose of the video strategy? Brand engagement, direct response? Something else? Multiple purposes?

  3. How can video help explain and assist with audience pain points?

  4. What is your video or video series's short-term goal(s)?

  5. What is the long-term goal(s) of your video marketing strategy?

  6. How will you ensure message consistency within all videos, other marketing collateral, and your overall brand voice?

  7. What mediums do you want to optimize for?

For quick reference, you can also build a one-line video marketing mission statement that encompasses the basics. Try filling in the blanks on this template from VidYard:

"At (company name), we make (adjective) video content for (specify target audience) so that they (exactly what you want them to do.)."

What are the video topics and types you want to make?

Before the start of the year, look at your previous strategy (if applicable) and see what worked well for you and what didn't. Don't fall victim to the "sunk cost" fallacy and feel that you should stick with something that isn't working just because you've spent X amount of time or resources on it.

It's also essential to see whether your videos will be used internally, externally, or both. For example, you may want to break your video content down by position. A few examples would be the product, human resources, internal communications, sales, etc.

Once you have that list, brainstorm the types of videos that will work well to tell those stories. Options include:

  • Recorded webinars

  • Helpful how-to videos

  • Thought leadership interviews

  • Product explainers and detailed demos

  • Support-topic walkthroughs

  • Company culture videos

  • Customer testimonials

  • Documentary-like case studies and more

If you want to try working backward, you can also start by looking at your target audience's questions and determine how best to answer them.

Who is responsible for keeping your video marketing on theme?

Depending on the production quality and budget you're planning for, you might be able to afford to hire an in-house videographer or a video production company. 

There are other options for businesses that aren't ready to invest in video production companies or an in-house videographer. Tabrizi Productions offers courses to show up better on camera and a #DoItOnCamera coaching service.

However, most small businesses have found success partnering with boutique video production agencies.

Either way, take some time and sit down to determine the following:

  • Who is responsible for creative concepts?

  • Who will write the scripts?

  • Who organizes the logistics of a video shoot?

  • Who is responsible for distributing the videos once they are complete.

  • How are final approvals made?

You may also want to establish an editorial review process of the stakeholders you are consulting for video feedback. You definitely don't want to air a video unreviewed but keep in mind that involving too many people can lead to endless revisions and delays.

How will you measure the success of your video marketing?


So you've identified the kinds of videos you want to make and who's making them, but how do you know if they're successful or not? So now is where you look back at that road map you built and measure what you wanted to achieve against what's actually happening using the following metrics.


  • Reach

  • Impressions

  • View Time

  • Video Completion Rate


  • View Time

  • Video Completion Rate

  • Cost Per Completed View

  • User Interactions With Video (Likes, Shares, Etc.)

  • Click-Through Rate


  • Cost Per Click

  • Cost Per Action

Are your numbers in line with your budgetary and audience goals, or are they underperforming? For larger businesses, it may be easier to recognize the ups and downs compared to past video series. However, smaller companies who are just introducing video marketing to their toolbox shouldn't be discouraged if their key performance indicators (KPIs) aren't where they hoped to be. 

Give your audience anywhere from six months to a year to know your baseline before making significant changes.

what your video marketing plan should keep in mind for 2019

Video consumption is rising at exponential rates, with mobile leading the way. According to the Digital Marketing Institute, 76% of marketers reported in 2018 that video helped increase their company sales, and exciting new ways to watch it are being introduced all the time.

Here are some of the upcoming trends that your business should consider when building your strategy for next year.


Until recently, widescreen video was where it was at. Of course, most people today have widescreen televisions to get that whole cinema experience at home. But if viewer habits continue evolving on their current path, those TVs may soon be another relic of the past.

According to a study by media agency Zenith, the average person spends 45 minutes a day watching mobile videos online. That number is expected to grow until it's on par with television in terms of hours watched.

Because of the rise of mobile, video and images are transitioning from the wide, horizontal format we're familiar with to vertical.

Thankfully this marketing trend is easy to keep up with by creating videos in a square format. Instagram has been on top of this trend from the beginning. When it comes to Facebook, square videos occupy 78% more space on its News section and receive a higher percentage of engagement.


360 degree videos are on the rise, alongside virtual reality.

By providing users with a more immersive experience through video, they can really feel like they're part of the experience from the comfort of their pajamas.

These videos are particularly useful tools for the travel and tourism industry, allowing businesses to give potential visitors a more in-depth look at their attractions and accommodations.

Several Broadway shows have also taken advantage of this new technology by allowing viewers to feel as if they are on stage during intricate songs and dance sequences.


Corporate training days can be a nightmare for employees. Taking days out of their busy schedule to sit in a stuffy room and listen to a lecture on the importance of x, y, and z isn't something anyone looks forward to.

Video is a great substitution, particularly for complex subjects. Viewers can re-watch any segments they wish to review, and the videos can use elements like animation that don't have the same impact when sketched out on a whiteboard.

Also, by using video, employees can receive training at their own convenience and even from the comfort of their own homes if they choose.


Broadcasting live may seem intimidating, but you may want to consider it a growing trend.

Facebook Live broadcasts have doubled each year since they debuted in 2016, and Instagram launched the feature at the beginning of 2018. In fact, 13% of web traffic comes from live videos. Here are just a few of the perks:

  • Economical – Broadcasting live eliminates any time and financial investment reserved for production and editing. The video then remains on the platform and can be shared immediately.

  • Authentic – Audiences viewing live streams know that the video hasn't been doctored.

  • Compelling – The time-sensitive nature of live video attracts a curious audience. The spontaneity and perceived jeopardy involved in a live broadcast are hugely compelling. In fact, users spend three times longer watching live videos online compared to pre-recorded.


Digital influencers aren't the only route to finding the right personality to market your content. Internal talent, or finding someone from within your organization, can create added value by partnering their industry knowledge with their content's sincere, personal quality.

It also allows businesses to tailor their branded content and create a cohesive tone and voice for their video marketing that they simply can't control with outsourced influencer content.

A great example is to look at the rise of the Bon Appetit's test-kitchen crew. The chef's-turned-on-screen personalities have become beloved faces on Bon Appetit's Facebook and YouTube channels. In fact, Claire Saffitz and Brad Leone have become influencers in their own right, with their respective video series Gourmet Makes and It's Alive receiving millions of views per episode.



As people start spending more time on their smartphones, a new "second screen" phenomenon begins to make its way into the video marketing and advertising dialogue. 

Here's what Shutterstock has to say about it:

"This second screen phenomenon describes when audiences are consuming content on a first screen, typically through broadcast television or streaming, and also browsing or viewing content on a second screen, typically a phone or tablet. While the two types of content are often unrelated – like a user watching a show on their television while online shopping on their phone – marketers see an opportunity for a more integrated second-screen experience."

In 2017 it was estimated that 75% of adult audiences were participating in this second screen phenomenon, and it could increase to 80% by 2019. While it would be easy to label this as evidence that viewers are paying less attention to what is on their first screen, marketers are identifying it as a greater opportunity for greater brand engagement and awareness.


Video marketing is a vital piece of your promotions toolkit. It's not too late to get started, and there are countless low-budget options at your disposal, but having a clear plan and objectives is important to make sure your story is getting out.

Tabrizi Productions would love to help you build your video marketing strategy. Tabrizi Productions is a boutique video production company with a mission to make video accessible for all. We offer authentic, affordable video storytelling for companies large and small.

We are locally serving Oakland, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, San Francisco, San Jose, San Mateo, and the surroundings of the Silicon Valley area. Sound like a fit? Fill out this form to schedule a free consultation.